“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountain is going home; that wildness is necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.”

John Muir

Broken or Overboard

"It'll be all right"
                                      Uncle Dick


In First Place

Kris' tally
SureFire G2X Pro Flashlight - Overboard
1 Nikon S50 Point and Shoot
1 Nikon 18 - 155 SLR Lens
1 Sage Z Axis Flyrod tube - Flyrod unharmed  - Thank God
1 Little Buddy Heater (see above photo)
1 Bottle Whiskey
1 Sage 4550 CF Spool
1 Sage Rod Tube - another Flyrod unharmed  - Thank God Again
1 Lamson Hard Alox Reel
1 Orvis Boat Bag
1 1 Brodin Net - Stepped on and Snapped
TOTAL  = $1210

Second Place

Ray's tally
1 Order Box
1 Orvis T3
1 Brodin Net - Stepped on and Snapped -Expertly Repaired (see above photo)
1 Bank Robber St Croix Fly Rod brand new snapped tip (Uncle Dick probably nick rod graphite)
TOTAL = $650

Honorable mention

Rick's tally
1 Nikon Point and Shoot
1 Waterproof Boombox - Dropped in
1 Ipod Dropped in River
2nd Ipod dropped in River (he did it again)
Radio/Ipod (yeah he did it again too)
TOTAL = $550